Monday, August 29, 2016


Sunday, June 12, 2016

The whole history of modern industry

Dennoch zeigt die ganze Geschichte der modernen Industrie, daß das Kapital, wenn ihm nicht Einhalt geboten wird, ohne Gnade und Barmherzigkeit darauf aus ist, die ganze Arbeiterklasse in diesen Zustand äußerster Degradation zu stürzen.

Tutta la storia dell’industria moderna mostra che il capitale, se non gli vengono posti dei freni, lavora senza scrupoli e senza misericordia per precipitare tutti i lavoratori nella più profonda degradazione.

The whole history of modern industry shows that capital, if not checked, will unscrupulously and ruthlessly work to cast down the whole working class to the utmost state of degradation.

 (Karl Marx)

Friday, February 5, 2016

The interests of the investing minority

In the press, which is owned by rich men, the interests of the investing minority are always identified (doubtless in perfectly good faith) with those of the nation as a whole.

(Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means, 1937)